Sunday, July 26, 2009

Kanan Road Extra

Here's todays ride. 5 of us met at a Starbucks on Agura road. Michael, Gary, Geraldo, Tim and me
we rolled out about 7am. The weather was nice the riding easy, mostly downhill to the ocean. We lost Michael and Gary at the tunnel on malibu canyon road because of a flat. Tim, Geraldo and I reached the ocean together and then Tim set a blistering pace down PCH on the Madone. I hung back but still dropped Geraldo. At the Topanga turn off Geraldo and I waited for Gary and Michael for awhile but they never showed. At the old Topanga turnoff Michael finally caught up with us. I didn't see Gary again until lunch.The ride on old Topanga is very pretty, hilly but shady.

Then the fun started. Geraldo and I paced each other along Mulholland until we stopped at this quaint wine tasting shop in Cornell. We had a couple of beers and a nap while we waited for Michael. Tim and Gary bailed at the Las Virgenes intersection. smart!

The three of us took off toward Kanan Road, but for some reason Michael didn't want to take the easy way, and me not being very bright went along with him. Geraldo took a cutoff that took him back to Agura Rd. Smart!!

Then the climb started and it went up and up and up and it was out in the sun and got hotter and hotter. In the 5 extra miles we did I bonked twice. Michael said he was suffering, but he sure didn't show it.

We finally got to Agura Rd and dragged our asses back to the Starbucks about 3 or 4 hours after the others.

After a great lunch at Islands with some surf talk, everything was better